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Nordhavnsvej Tunnel, Denmark


Location: Copenhagen, Danmark

  • 620 m long tunnel with two rectangular tubes each with two lanes
  • constructed using cut-and-cover, semi-monolithic method (bottom slab, walls and slab one after the other)
  • architecturally attractive tunnel entrances

PERI utstyr

  • approx. 25 m long concreting sections
  • tunnel bottom slab and walls with large-sized panel formwork
  • 2 tunnel tubes each with 9.10 m clear width, realization of a haunch to the middle wall
  • creation of a passageway through the formwork carriage for the site traffic
  • safe access points and working scaffold in all areas
  • minimization of crane use as well as moving possibilities without use of crane for the areas below the railway line in the intersection area of the tunnel and rail traffic


Joint Venture E. Pihl & Søn A.S. and Ed. Züblin AG

Kundens fordeler

  • cost-effective solution for the formwork carriage with more than 90 % rentable system components, with passageway for on-site traffic
  • simple solution which could be quickly implemented and set up
  • load-bearing, larged-sized and movable formwork and scaffolding units for accelerated construction progress
Brian Andersen, Foreman, Nordhavensvej
Brian Andersen

The main reason why we chose PERI was, that we were sure to have a formwork supplier, that can always deliver the material and has the necessary technical know how to design all solutions for this kind of project.

PERIs løsninger

  • 4 VARIOKIT slab formwork carriages each 13.50 m long, coupled together for the realization of the approx. 25 m long concreting sections
  • creation of a passageway for on-site traffic
  • planning of a wall formwork solution for the tunnel walls
  • reinforcement scaffold which can be moved as large units by means of transportation wheels